Motion Capture
The Motion Capture system is used to assess procedure acquisition for range of motion data necessary for mobility testing. The data can be used in anthropometric models and as input to virtual environments. Operational checklist development for in situ spacesuit measurements at field or spaceflight analogue locations (Mars simulations) can aid with efficient exploration and suit design.

Historic method of motion capture to be used with field studies
Analogue Research
The S.U.I.T. Lab extends out from ERAU campus into remote sites across the planet. Operational tasks in spaceflight analogue environments, highlighted by mission simulations, is a key area of activity. Activities in the S.U.I.T. Lab will utilize unique simulated surface spacesuits within a task-oriented environment for several interdisciplinary studies conducted as a remote PI.

A crewmember of the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS) climbs Castle Mercury for a final view of Devon Island on the last EVA of a four-month Mars simulation (Photo: R.L. Kobrick, Ph.D. 2007).
Spacecraft Cabin Mockup
The Spacecraft Cabin Mockup is used to assess the work envelope with functional arm reach tests evaluating pressure suits for intravehicular activities (IVA) and design considerations for spacecraft cabins. This facility can also aid in the development of operational checklists for ingress and emergency egress, a critical function for safe spaceflight exploration, particularly in the suborbital spaceflight industry.

Final Frontier Design’s demonstrator spacesuit in spacecraft cabin mockup during 2016 Project PoSSUM.

The external shell construction underway of the spacecraft cabin mockup.
U2 Pressure Suit
The David Clark Company 1032S pressure suit manufactured in 1998 was used and donated by an ERAU alumni U2 pilot. The suit provides an interactive experiential learning experience for students across several disciplines and allows S.U.I.T. Lab researchers an opportunity to examine components in an engineering forensics manner.

U2 Pressure Suit