

Dr. Magdy S. Attia

Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: Turbomachinery, propulsion component design and analysis, lean engineering, and engine & cycle technology


Dr. Mark Ricklick

Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Graduate Research Engineers: 

Mr. Darrell Stevens

Staff: Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: CATIA V5 Certified, SolidWorks, SolidCam, Radial Equilibrium, GasTurb, Ansys (CFX, Mechanical, Fluent) & Low bypass engine analysis and design, Matlab

Current Graduate Research Assistants

Tyler Huntington
Dan Port
Specialty: Gas turbine cycle analysis and component design, counter rotation, Fan/compressor Aerodynamics, SolidWorks, ANSYS CFX
Jerin Chacko
Specialty: Gas turbine cycle analysis and component design, counter rotation, Fan/compressor Aerodynamics, ANSYS CFX, Fluent and Mechanical, Fortran
Alex Rozendaal
Specialty: Gas turbine cycle analysis and component design, Fan/compressor and Turbine Aerodynamics, Meanline-Throughflow Analysis, ANSYS CFX, Fluent, STAR-CCM+, Fortran, Matlab, Python, C, HTML, Visual Basic, Java, and CATIA V5
Nicole Gagnon
Specialty: Matlab, ANSYS CFX, Fluent and Mechanical, SolidWorks and CATIA
 Jarrett Lowe
Specialty: ANSYS FLUENT, Pointwise, Cycle Analysis, Combustion

Past Student Researchers

Travis Travis Matsumoto
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: Radial Equilibrium, FORTRAN, Matlab, ANSYS CFX, Low bypass engine analysis and design
ChrisT Christopher Tate
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: FORTRAN, Matlab, ANSYS CFX
LuisFV Luis Ferrer-Vidal Espana-Heredia
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: FORTRAN, Matlab, NPSS (Numerical Propulsion System Simulation)
MadhurT Madhur Tiwari
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: FORTRAN, Matlab, ANSYS CFX, Low bypass engine analysis and design
JustinF Justin Forster
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: Matlab, Low bypass engine analysis and design
Vinod Vinod Gehlot
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: Counter rotation, Ansys CFX, Low bypass engine analysis and design
Jeff Jeff Vizcaino
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: CATIA V5, Matlab, Visual Basic, Ansys CFX, Ansys Fluent, Detonation Theory, Combustion, Low bypass engine design
Vlad Vladislav Shulman
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: NPSS (Numerical Propulsion System Simulation), High bypass engine analysis and design
Paul Pooya Aghasi
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: NPSS (Numerical Propulsion System Simulation), Matlab Graphical Interfaces, High Double Bypass engine analysis and design, High bypass engine analysis and design
Sanjivan Sanjivan Manoharan
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: Matlab Graphical Interfaces, Analytical Mathematics, Combustion, Double bypass engine, High bypass engine analysis and design
Walter Walter Olliff
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: CATIA V5,Ansys CFX, Matlab, Metal and wood work, Low bypass engine analysis and design
Romo Francisco Romo
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: Turbomachinery Analysis, Combustion, Matlab, Metal and wood work, Low bypass engine design
Farrah Farrah Hassan
Degree Program: MS Aerospace Engineering
Specialty: LEAN Engineering, Matlab, Engine cycle analysis
Michael Michael Arsenault
Degree Program: BS Engineering Physics
Specialty: CATIA V5, Matlab, Java Programming, Low bypass engine analysis and design